depression counselling in kolkata

Depression is social diseases that take a peak up in recent times. It is age independent and can be seen in any person of age eight to eighty. It leaves a mark on the personality of the person who is suffering from it and even alters the personality in some cases. Creativity of a creative person is distorted and even destroyed by depression. Nobody can tell with absolute surety what the specific cause of depression is. The cause varies person to person. Some surveys suggest depression is a greater phenomenon in urban areas, especially the big cities like Kolkata, than rural side of country. So the need for depression counselling in kolkata is essential to sustain the eco system of the city. Mansi therapy is one of those places which offer depression counselling in kolkata. Mansi is an award winning counsellor who sees adults as well as minors, individual as well as family. She is also a certified anger management specialist and a certified maritial therapist. She a...